WEB: The Cigar Industry's Hidden Gem
Connecticut Shade: The Wrapper of Choice
Connecticut Shade tobacco is a revered wrapper leaf, favored by cigar manufacturers worldwide.
A Legacy of Excellence
WEB Connecticut shade tobacco has been cultivated for over a century, gaining renown for its delicate and smooth flavor.
Its unique characteristics have made it the go-to wrapper for premium cigars like Macanudo, Davidoff, Montecristo, Ashton, and Fonseca.
The Connecticut Shade Process
Connecticut Shade tobacco is grown under intricate shade tents that protect the leaves from sunlight.
This unique growing method yields a tobacco leaf with a specific light green hue and mild flavor profile.
The resulting Connecticut Shade leaf possesses exceptional burn properties, making it a highly sought-after wrapper.
Global Recognition
Connecticut Shade tobacco's reputation extends far beyond the borders of the United States.
It is prized by cigar makers in Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and even Cuba.
Its versatility allows it to be paired with a wide range of filler tobaccos, enhancing their flavor and complexity.
WEB Connecticut Shade tobacco is a testament to the art and science of cigar making.
Its unique flavor profile and exceptional burn characteristics have made it a staple in the cigar industry.
Whether you're a discerning aficionado or a casual enthusiast, cigars wrapped in Connecticut Shade will undoubtedly delight your palate.